Virtual art show makes student artwork available at the click of a mouse
Virtual art show makes student artwork available at the click of a mouse
What happens when a family member lives too far away to see their student’s artwork on display? What if they aren’t available to attend an in-person event? What if they want to share the artwork with their family, friends and neighbors?
Robbinsdale Area Schools (Rdale) visual art teachers have considered these problems, and the solution came in the form of a districtwide virtual art show.
“It’s an amazing showcase of artwork for our students and schools,” said Sarah Prindiville, Rdale’s fine arts coordinator.
Elementary art teachers first experimented with the idea of a virtual art show during the pandemic. They created a virtual platform to display student artwork in a format that families and friends can view online. The project is now being expanded to include the district’s middle and high school artwork as well.
“We are showcasing hundreds of pieces of art – with all of our schools represented,” Prindiville said. “If you’re a proud student or family member, or a staff member, or a community member who loves artwork, this is a fabulous and easy-to-use tool to see what our students have created.”
When people click on a school’s logo, they are taken to the student artwork for that school, framed and displayed together. Visitors can click on individual artwork and see the enlarged version, along with the name of the artist and a description of the techniques used in the piece.
This show will be viewable for years to come and shared nationally and even internationally with the simple click of a mouse.