Robbinsdale Area Schools

Holiday Resources

Holiday Resources

Are you or someone you know in need of food, gifts or emergency resources during the November and December holiday season? Here are some links to helpful resources:

Thanksgiving Meals:


Holiday Resources:


Holiday Toy Programs:

  • United Way 2-1-1

    United Way receives information from organizations that are providing Holiday food, toys or gifts.  Call 2-1-1, toll free at 800-543-7709 or 651-291-0211. You can also text your zip code to 898-211*.  They will search for programs within your zip code.

  • Salvation ArmyRegistration for the 2023 Twin Cities Toy Shop is now open. Click here to register. If you are unable to register online, our Twin Cities Toy Shop hotline (651-746-3595) will be open during business hours to answer questions. Serves only children 0-14.Parents must provide proof of address, picture id, id for each child in the household (medical card, birth certificate, school ID, etc)

  • New Millennium Academy - Toys for Tots, 5105 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center, MN 55429. Phone: (651)478-1089, Email:

  • Serves residents Hennepin and Ramsey counties, eligibility: Parents/guardians of children ages 0 – 14 years. Register online; Open now – Tuesday, November 21st. Distribution: Saturday, December 16; time slots provided after approved registration.

  • NuWay Missionary Baptist Church – Toys for Tots, 1530 Russell Avenue North, Minneapolis. Contact (612)229 7741 or . Open to all, registration starts Dec. 12 until full . Email to sign up.

  • Shiloh Temple International Ministries - Toys for Tots, 1201 W Broadway, Minneapolis 55411. Call to register at (612)302-1463. Registration: Nov. 1 - until registration is full; call and leave message with contact information, name, address, number of children, gender and ages. Distribution information will be provided when registered.

  • Q-Dac – Toys for Tots Christmas Party, North Commons Park, 1800 James Avenue North, Minneapolis 55411. Open to all, registration: Now until full; register online. Distribution: Dec. 16.