Robbinsdale Area Schools

MTSS Process: Supporting our Students

MTSS Process: Supporting our Students


What is MTSS?

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is how our school meets the academic, social-emotional, and other needs of all our students.

Some students in our school need additional instruction and support and/or enrichment in specific areas. It's critical to understand that any supplemental support or enrichment the school provides is simply a layer on top of Tier 1 (core instruction).

In Robbinsdale Area Schools, we believe the MTSS process is an integral part of ensuring success for all students. We also believe family partnerships are fundamental. If you would like more information about supports or services for your student, please contact your student’s teacher or administrator.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) uses evidence and assessments to match instruction and interventions to personalize the needs of each learner. Used school-wide, this data-driven and prevention-based process improves learning outcomes for every student. MTSS includes social and emotional learning and support.