Robbinsdale Area Schools

Noble Mid-Year Conferences/Book Fair: February 20, 25 and 27

Noble Mid-Year Conferences/Book Fair: February 20, 25 and 27

Mid-Year Conferences will take place on Thursday, February 20, Tuesday, February 25, and Thursday, February 27, between 3:00 - 7:05 pm. We are looking for volunteers for the Red Balloon Book Fair, which will take place during conferences. All purchases through the Book Fair benefit our school. 

Conferences can be held in person, by telephone, or by Google Meet. Sign up begins on February 6.

To schedule your preferred time for a parent-teacher conference:

  1. Click on My Conference Time

  2. Click on the name of your child’s teacher

  3. Select the desired date/time for your conference by clicking on “Sign-Up”

  4. Complete the required fields

  5. Select Conference Type from the drop down menu (In-person, Virtual or Telephone)

  6. Click on “Sign-Up” to submit the requested information

If you have several children attending our school, click on “Register for Multiple Conferences” and follow the prompts to schedule your children for several conferences. After you schedule a conference online, the date and time are reserved for you. If you entered your email address correctly, you will receive an email confirmation for our conference.

If you are unable to sign up for a time and date online, please call the office 763-504-4000.