Robbinsdale Area Schools

Noble PTA Interest Meeting

Noble PTA Interest Meeting

Greetings Noble Families: 

Unfortunately, our PTA Board has moved on and are either in different schools, or cannot hold the office any longer due to various reasons. Noble PTA has been an integral part of our school and provides so many opportunities for the school, staff, and most importantly, our students. 

We are looking for new volunteers to be a part of this wonderful organization. The board would consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Outside of these positions, there are plenty of opportunities to participate in meetings, be a voting member, and volunteer at different activities. 

If you are interested, please be sure to complete the survey below and provide the school with some valuable feedback regarding this extremely important school group. There will be an organizational meeting at Noble on Wednesday, November 8 from 6-7pm at Noble Elementary.

Thank you in advance for your help and consideration. 

PTA Interest Link