Robbinsdale Area Schools

Student Classroom Placement

Student Classroom Placement

Placing students into classrooms which meet their educational needs is a top priority at Noble Elementary. As a highly valued member of our school community, your input regarding your student is very important to us.  

A number of variables are taken into consideration in order to create a balanced classroom that will meet the needs of all students. A few examples of the criteria we take into consideration are, in no particular order:

  • Demographic balance of students

  • Ethnic/racial balance

  • Academic achievement level

  • Special Education needs

  • English Language Learners

  • Student relationships

  • Family input

We have provided guiding questions to gather your input on your child’s placement for next year. Please keep in mind, all information taken from the student placement/parent information sheet will be taken into consideration; however, we cannot guarantee specific placements.  

Classroom placements will be made known to all families in August. Also, due to mobility factors, the staff at Noble may make changes in classroom placement as needed throughout the school year.

   Student Placement form - English      Student Placement form - Spanish