Students in grades K-5 will be completing assessments in reading and math over the next several weeks. The FastBridge testing gives teachers an efficient and effective way to screen and monitor student progress. The testing window is December 9 - January 17, with makeups through January 23. Please contact your student's teacher if you have questions about the testing.
Fast Bridge Assessments:
Early Reading (Grades K and 1)
Kindergarten: Letter Naming Fluency, Letter Sound Fluency, Word Segmenting, Nonsense Words, Sight Words
Grade 1: Word Segmenting, Nonsense Words, Sight Words, CBM Reading
Early Math (Grades K and 1)
Kindergarten: Number Identification, Number Sequence, Decomposing
Grade 1: Decomposing, Place Value, Story Problems
CBM Reading (Grades 1 - 5)
Curriculum Based Measurement for Reading (CBMreading) is an efficient and effective way to screen and monitor student reading progress. A teacher listens to a student read aloud from a grade-level passage for 1 minute while recording student errors.
FASTtrack Reading (Grades 2 - 5)
FastBridge reading is an assessment of a student's automaticity with select reading skills, including recognizing letter names and sounds, decoding words, identifying the correct spelling of words, word synonyms, and detecting differences in word meanings. FastBridge reading is a computer-based test and can be used with students in grades K-12. There are nine FastBridge reading subtests. One of these is a warm-up activity where students learn how to complete the assessment by selecting the correct picture of a named item.
FASTtrack Math (Grades 2 - 5)
Fastbridge Math is a simple and efficient procedure for screening students' broad math abilities. The assessment is based on expert recommendations and questions are aligned with the National Common Core State Standards (2010). Fastbridge Math is a computer-adaptive test, and most students respond to 30 questions on each testing occasion. Some students may receive up to 60 questions in order to accurately pinpoint their present level of performance.